The Achievers

Challenge | Excelling | Ownership | Pressure | Problem Solving

Achievers are goal-driven individuals who thrive under pressure, enjoy challenges, and love solving problems. They are valuable to organizations due to their strong motivation to complete tasks to high standards, especially when they see intrinsic or utility value in their work. Achievers are often action-oriented, determined, and disciplined, with a strong focus on attaining results, sometimes pushing through obstacles to reach their goals. Their high energy and focus make them effective contributors in high-pressure environments.

I’ve always been determined to see things through to the end. I get fulfillment when things get done and frustrated when others don’t move at my pace. I’m an Achiever.

Matt WunderliCEO, Pando Analytics


Who are they and what are their characteristics?

  • They love a good challenge.
  • They are driven to excel.
  • They thrive under pressure.
  • Completing tasks is crucial.
  • They feel guilty if they aren’t giving their all.
  • They want to be in control.
  • They believe in their own talents.
  • They set ambitious goals.
  • They take deadlines seriously.

Achievers you may recognize.


Learn Everything About Being an Achiever!

Instantly unlock your full Achiever profile and fully understand every facet of your core motivators, so you can build the life and career you’ve always envisioned.

When you upgrade, you will get:

  • Your detailed 40-page in-depth profile report
  • Access to the Find Your Mojo online training course with 5 self-paced lessons
  • Insights into where you thrive and strategies to enhance your value
  • Identification of your motivational blind spots that could cause potential conflicts
  • Understanding of the unique job sculpting process to align your motivators with your daily work
  • Tools for discussing job responsibility changes with your manager to boost productivity and commitment
  • A personal guide to using your motivators to build personal resilience