Welcome to the Find Your Mojo Online Course

ATTENTION! If you haven't already done so, complete the Motivators Assessment before starting the course. You will need to have your results available as you complete the course lessons. In addition, please download the course materials here.

Lesson 1: Why Motivation Matters – 3:15

So, why does workplace motivation matter? It’s an important question considering we spend a lot of time at work. In fact, the average working adult will spend almost 90,000 hours of their life working. That’s a lot of hours doing things that aren’t fulfilling.

In this lesson, we’ll cover the benefits of being more motivated at work and you will evaluate where you are presently on the “Motivation Continuum.”

Lesson 2: Understanding Your Motivators – 8:20

In this lesson, we will discuss the science and research behind the Motivators Assessment. You’ll take a deep dive into the 23 motivators and 5 identities we all share at work.

Finally, we’ll walk you through your Motivators Assessment profile report where you’ll what is confirming and surprising about your results.

Lesson 3: Analyze Your Work History – 5:10

In this lesson, you will look back at your work history and analyze what motivated you to accept or leave jobs. You’ll analyze what role your newly discovered motivators may have played in your decision.

You will also take a moment to recall a best work experience.

Lesson 4: Evaluate Your Present Work Situation – 3:31

In this lesson, we will discuss the science and research behind the Motivators Assessment. You’ll take a deep dive into the 23 motivators and 5 identities we all share at work.

Finally, we’ll walk you through your Motivators Assessment profile report where you’ll what is confirming and surprising about your results.

Lesson 5: Sculpt Your Ideal Job – 5:33

In this lesson, you will create a plan to sculpt your work to align with your motivators and identities. You’ll learn which elements of your role you could alter, transfer, or add.